This NEW Planet Eclipse has 72 basses with a keyboard from low G to High C.
The keyboard action is as good as it gets, and the voicing has three sets of hand-made reeds. L/M/M (The finest Made)
And with a light weight of 16 LBS, tuned with a light musette and all wood construction, you've got yourself a dynamo of an instrument.
The 5 switches right hand with palm and 3 switches left, add up to a 72 bass Planet Eclipse for the ages.
$300.00 S&H
Boy, it sure is nice to make this pre-owned Italian made Planet 72 with midi and pickups available. Along with handmade reeds and a light weight of 18 LBS, this incredible instrument is ready to please anyone within ear shot. Play as a standard accordion or plug into an amp for volume, or even better, connect a midi module (separate) for all the electronic sounds. If I were out playing again, this is what I would use. Keyboard is from low G to high E. Expect perfection from all angles.
S&H $225.00
I'm not sure what factory in Italy made this pre-owned Sonus 5 row B system chromatic accordion, but I do know they are good at what they do. This 120 bass 3/5 reed L/M/H chromatic has 9 switches right with palm and 5 switches left and a weight of 24 Lbs.. The B system is again used in Europe much more than the US. Mainly in Russia and Norway.
S&H $225.00
This convertor hits the WOW factor on the first note. You can expect the best playability and sound with this pre-owned Italian made 3/5 reed accordion.
Handmade reeds L/M /H with seven switches right hand w/palm, and 6 switches left.
The convertor system is a Quint system, (what I prefer). This incredible instrument is under 24 Lbs, and the keyboard length is 19 1/4 inches. Just, WOW!
S&H $300.00
Boy, my heart skips a beat when I can add accordions like this C system Zero Sette 120 bass. This slightly played Chromatic is as good as it gets. It has 3/5 reeds L/M/M with a light musette and weighs only 23 Lbs.. This type of C system accordion is more popular in Europe and primarily in Italy, France and Sweden. Hard to find over here. Also, Zero Sette is one of 3 or 4 manufacturers in Italy making the best accordions today.
S&H $225.00